Self reflection on quarantined times

This is the first journal entry of many I will be writing due to my poor memory retention and the inability to hold myself accountable for my actions

3 min readApr 3, 2020

I’ve decided I need to set monthly goals and I WILL (!) force myself through the painful process of reflecting on my progress at the end of each month.

April short-term goals:

  • Food: intermittent fasting (16–8 schedule, using the app Zero). The key is to not eat breakfast! But it’s so hard when there’s a nice moist slice of olive oil cake waiting.
  • Water: 8 cups a day — for skin, digestion, stress relief, yada yada. Literally some articles I read, you’d think that the cure for everything is just gallons of water + adequate amount of sleep.
  • Exercise: kinda doesn’t pertain in the current climate. I feel myself getting a lil chubs though for sure.
  • Mindfulness: (1) need to meditate but it’s so hard. Even 10 minutes seems like forever. (2) Also, I need to not have “no…” and “well…” as my initial reactions to everything. (3)
all the products in my rotation right now

Passion projects:

  • Reading: 4 books in April, 1 every week. Currently reading Shoe Dog and going to read Sapiens next. Just finished reading Kitchen Confidential today so naturally I’ve been having all sorts of conflicting thoughts about my career…
  • Photography: since I can’t take food pics anymore, I want to finish setting up my room and finish taking my room / clothes pics (to be used in one of my subsequent posts). Three platforms I should be focusing on: (1) VSCO (all my pictures), (2) IG (curated), and (3) Medium.
  • Writing: should I start writing short stories again? Still debating.
white sneakers from everlane

Big things happening in March:

  • Well, we are currently in the midst of a quarantine but my coworker has predicted that the NYC peak will be reached within the first half of April, confirmed within the second half, and then we’ll be all working in offices in May. Will definitely be a weird transition going from WFH to office.
  • Need to take advantage of this quarantine and sort out / complete all my personal items on my never-ending to-do list (this Medium post is one of them!)
impulse buy from everlane, aka ankle booties that i’ve worn once

Long term goals on my mind rn:

  1. figure out my career goals
  2. improve all my relationships with people
  3. be more confident → speak up all the time
  4. talk slower!!!!!
  5. improve my memory (currently poppin bacopa synapsa)
the noguchi museum and excellent french toast from the pizza place down the street




Journaling for the memz. I like snapping pics.